Business Chat | Don't Look For The Quick Win!

Published: June 1, 2018, 5 a.m.

b"Its easy to just focus on the end goal and start imagining what that will look like. Then of curse trying to figure out the quickest way to get there.\\n\\nMy fear for a lot of you, is that you are setting yourself up for failure. Don't get me wrong, its important to look for quick wins sometimes, but not at the expense of taking short cuts and not planning properly.\\n\\nI see a lot of people in business, young entrepreneurs and people starting out focusing on the wrong things; Whats the best strategy, whats the best yield, whats the best investment, whats the best business opportunity, whats the best hack!\\n\\nWhereas what you should be focused on is building a business you love and are passionate about and focusing not on the quick wins, but on doing things properly."