Are You A Gutless Salesperson? | Entrepreneurial Truth!

Published: May 25, 2018, 5 a.m.

b'Be honest with your prospects. As an entrepreneur in the UK and a UK businessman I am seeing so many sales people being cowards and jumping to the tune of the prospects. Stop!\\n\\nStart to control the process and be brave. It is absolutely critical that you man up, start to take control the sales process and let your prospects know what the rules of your game are. Otherwise you will only create a circle of chaos and chasing and you\'l be jumping to their tune!\\n\\nBut above all be, nice, honest and stop being a \'YES Man\'! Or women! If what the prospect is asking is wrong, then tell them. Don\'t let the fear of loss stop you taking control. And when you do...amazing things start to happen!\\n\\nI hope you enjoyed listening to "The Ben Parry Podcast Experience" please don\'t forget to rate, review and subscribe...thank you :)'