SWTS: The Rise of Skywalker Rumors, Anakin in TROS, and Disney+ News

Published: April 30, 2019, 3:06 p.m.

b"It's Tuesday. You know what that means, a new episode of the Star Wars Time Show! The holonet has been a little slow since Star Wars Celebration wrapped up, but Matt and I have you covered with all of the juicy rumors and theories out there on the internet. We will even supply you with a home cooked theory on this episode!\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nhttps://youtu.be/7w9sHGvwHvU\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFirst up this week, we get into the fantastic fandom with our Top 5 Instagram Pics of the Week! Some really top notch shots here including an amazing Last Supper scene recreation from FigureHertz!\\n\\n\\n\\nNext, we talk about everything that is coming, and isn't coming, to Disney+ on day 1. Suffice it to say that this streaming service will be well worth the $7 a month!\\n\\n\\n\\nBig spoiler alert for the next part of the show as we talk about 2 rumors swirling around The Rise of Skywalker. One about a possible major character re-emerging, and another about some new force abilities we could see in the movie.\\n\\n\\n\\nFinally, I, Nick, bring you a theory that has come straight from my head and onto the big screen when The Rise of Skywalker releases. If you tuned in to our The Rise of Skywalker title speculation cast, you may have heard the beginnings of my theory. This week we go into some more detail on how Anakin Skywalker will be involved in The Rise of Skywalker.\\n\\n\\n\\nMake sure to follow us on our social channels and let us know what your thoughts are on our Anakin theory or anything else we talked about this week!\\n\\n\\n\\nMay the Force be with you, always."