SWTS: High Republic Delayed, Enfys Nest in Cassian Series, Best ESB Character Performance

Published: May 27, 2020, 4:20 p.m.

b'Hello there everyone, and welcome to the newest edition of the Star Wars Time Show! This is a pretty dead week in terms of Star Wars news, but Matt and I make the best of what we have and give you guys some amazing content in this episode. \\n\\n\\n\\nListen in and enjoy the show!\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nhttps://youtu.be/odMMABawjIw\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nTopics:\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nhttps://starwarstime.net/erin-kellyman-enfys-nest-actress-doesnt-completely-rule-out-cassian-andor-role/\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nhttps://starwarstime.net/vader-vs-luke-cloud-city-reimagined-tease/\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nhttps://starwarstime.net/top-5-star-wars-artists-of-the-week-5-18-5-25/\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nThank you all for tuning in, a special thank you to those who joined us in the live stream chat! We appreciate all the love and support from this awesome community.\\n\\n\\n\\nIf you are a first time listener and liked what you heard, you should subscribe to the podcast, and if you are a long time listener, share the cast with your friends. Every new listener helps us assert dominance in the Star Wars landscape!\\n\\n\\n\\nThank you, and may the Force be with you, always.'