SWTS: 3 Best Theories on Dark Side Rey, Operation Cinder in TROS, and The Mandalorian Plot Speculations

Published: Aug. 28, 2019, 6:22 p.m.

b"Welcome back to the best Star Wars podcast this side of Tatooine, the Star Wars Time Show!\\n\\n\\n\\nThis week Matt and I cracked out a super-cast, aka a 2 hour long BANGER that goes over everything you need to know from Disney's D23 conference. \\n\\n\\n\\n\\nhttps://youtu.be/fIMjkJdmdL0\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nThere are a ton of things covered in this podcast, so in order to give you the most information in the least amount of time, I'll provide you everything in list format:\\n\\n\\n\\n501st Updated in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes A new fan film fills in Pre-TFA gapsThe Halcyon resort revealed and detailed for Galaxy's Edge in OrlandoFirst Order Jet Trooper armor displayed at D23The Clone Wars Revival release window announcedAn official Star Wars timeline shown at D23 The Mandalorian D23 trailer breakdownThe Rise of Skywalker D23 trailer breakdownTop 5 Instagram Artists of the Week\\n\\n\\n\\nAs I said at the top, we are packed this week people, so strap in and get ready for some top notch gas bagging!\\n\\n\\n\\nThank you all for listening in this week. Make sure to subscribe to the cast where ever you listen, and if you are a fan, share us with your friends! \\n\\n\\n\\nMay the Force be with you, always."