Star Wars Time Show: The Top 15 Star Wars Moments of 2018

Published: Jan. 8, 2019, 4:14 p.m.

b'Welcome to 2019, the year of the Force, Star Wars fans! This year is lining up to have more in store for Star Wars fans than any other year in history. We have the release of Disney+ which will bring The Mandalorian and the revival of The Clone Wars along with it, we have Star Wars Jedi: The Fallen Order video game slated to release this year, Star Wars Celebration kicking off in April, numerous comic book and novel entries into the new expanded universe, and in December, we have the final entry in the Skywalker saga, Episode IX.\\n\\n\\n\\nBy all account, Star Wars fans should be overloaded with content in 2019, but before we look to the future, Matt and I are going to look back at 2018 and talk about the 15 best moments we could find. These moments span all mediums of Star Wars from Movies to Comic Books and everything in between, so strap in and prepare to blast into the past!\\n\\n\\n\\nIf you want to follow along with the countdown, you can find our Top 15 Moments post here.\\n\\n\\n\\nMake sure to subscribe on YouTube or the traditional podcast platforms by using the links below.\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n'