Star Wars Time Show: Resistance Recap S1E20: No Escape, Part 1

Published: March 13, 2019, 2:47 p.m.

b'Nick had to hold down this week\'s Resistance Recap by his lonesome as I\'m currently out on an excursion to the Land of the Mouse, so you get to here his much more calm and collected take on this week\'s episode of Star Wars Resistance - "No Escape, Part 1".\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nThe episode was pretty solid considering not much happened, but that\'s because it delivered our heroes to the brink of this season\'s climax, so all of the pieces are in place for a shocking finale next week. It also has brought the show fully inline with the events of The Force Awakens, thanks to it showing off General Hux\'s Starkiller Base speech to Kaz and Torra as the former watched his home world evaporated. \\n\\n\\n\\nAs always you can also check out our recap and review video for the episode, as well as our Easter egg and Star Wars franchise reference video to get the full low down on "No Escape, Part 1".\\n\\n\\n\\nPlease tune in and also get subscribed by hitting the easy to use links to the right, or above in the menu.'