The Greatest Cash Flow Machine In the History of Capitalism

Published: Aug. 22, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

It’s the 10-year anniversary of this extraordinary bull market, officially – except not really, as Porter explains to Buck in this week’s podcast episode.

Even so – there’s no question a lot of people are making money. But with the S&P 500 having more than tripled since March 2009 lows… who’s been smartest (not LUCKIEST as would be the case with cryptos)? Porter points to believers of the FAANG stocks – and one of them in particular.

Later on, they’re joined by Wesley Gray, a former Marine and professor of finance at Drexel who now runs a fund with $1 billion under management. He has a strategy of buying ultra-hated investments that would make even the most steeled valued investors uneasy. So how do you tell the difference between a stock that’s simply nearing a low… and one that’s doomed?

Wesley will be joining the Stansberry team at our Vegas Conference October 1-2, along with Stansberry editors and hear guest speakers like Dr. Lacy Hunt, Steve Forbes, Robert Kiyosaki, Penn Jillette, Dennis Gartman, Jim Grant, and many others.