Episode 5 avec Jesus Mendez

Published: Nov. 29, 2019, 3:30 p.m.


En conversation avec Jesus Mendez.


Qui est Jesus Mendez? :


My main purpose is to help with building the future generations of Organizational Agility Enablers.


I do that by helping people find better ways to work together through a Lean-Agile mindset and providing you with content and events that would help us connect and grow together. I believe in learning by sharing is the greatest way to change the world around us, that\\u2019s why I have started experimenting with the Liberating Structures as a way to reconnect and unleash people\\u2019s potential by including and engaging everyone.


I\'m a extremely energetic and passionate, results-oriented responsible and strong hands people helper professional with more than 18 years of experience in the Software Development and IT industry with different technical backgrounds as Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Project Manager, System Analyst and Software Developer.


More about me: Curios, Facilitator, Change Enabler, Open Space Technology Facilitator, Agile Practitioner, Author, Husband, Father and passionate live living human being.


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