Episode 265 - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Published: Aug. 20, 2019, 1:18 a.m.


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Once upon a time a new film from Quentin Tarantino (Death Proof) was a big deal. Love him or hate him, Tarantino (writer of True Romance) was never boring. That is, until he decided to give us his newest film Once Upon a Time in\\u2026 Hollywood starring Leonardo DiCaprio (Celebrity), Brad Pitt (The Devil\\u2019s Own), and Margot Robbie (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot) along with a slew of Hollywood has-beens, notable character actors, and Tarantino regulars. This overly long, unnecessary film delights in getting all the period details of late 1960s California exactly right without giving any of the interesting characters anything interesting to do.
