The Yogic Approach (Part 5): The Niyamas

Published: March 14, 2023, 7 p.m.

Thank you for tuning in to episode 5 of our ongoing series called
The Yogic Approach

This week we are looking at the Niyamas 'observances'.

If you have not heard the previous episodes in this series-
The Yogic Approach (Part 1): Ways we can approach Yoga
The Yogic Approach (Part 2): The 8 Limbed Practice
The Yogic Approach (Part 3): The Kleshas
The Yogic Approach (Part 4): The Yamas

The Niyamas continue the "backbone" of Yoga as written by Patanjali in The Yoga Sutras. Faern walks us through the basics of what they are and how we can apply them to our lives.

If you have an interest of creating your life around Yoga- Faern highly recommends taking the time to not only explore postures and breathing but to investigate and study Yoga Philosophy and the associated scripture. For example the Bhagavad Gita.

Hungry for Apples Podcast is on the look out for people to have conversations with.
Here is a loose list of whom we are searching for-
people working with very current spiritual concepts, Travel to share Kirtan, study intently Sanskrit & scripture related to Yoga & Tantra, shifting addictions with international plant medicines,  living life in a unique way- Artist, musician, travel, expat, cultural anthropologist, Yoga Guide.... if you feel your life exemplifies one of these categories AND you want to speak about it publicly email us via the email Faern mentions in every single episode.
& THANK YOU for your time and interest!