How Transformative Is Life Supposed To Be?

Published: April 24, 2023, 7 p.m.

They say "life is what you make of it" and more times than not the person saying it doesn't know what they mean either...

What they MEAN to say is "life is going to change you" and then follow up with "all the choices you make have impact"...

In this episode Faern draws our attention to some possibly overlooked transformative moments which inevitably are not ACTUALLY "missed" but are more-so components (energetic) we don't quite yet understand.

Take a moment and look back- in a positive light- at what has changed for you in the last three or four years- what impact has this had? how did something assist you which was unexpected...? maybe you studied something, or moved abruptly- or some other such thing, what hidden benefits can you find here? (These are the "energetics" Faern refers too a lot.)

Thank you for listening & Enjoy!