Are you creating MORE stress?

Published: April 11, 2023, 7 p.m.

"just because you can doesn't mean you should"

We can ignore what is going on around us, but this will not help anyone involved- most assuredly it will not help you.
In our last episode Faern took us through the energetics of one way we individually interact with our lives- and this week she is illustrating how we can make active choices that do not include increased ignorance about what is going on ( as in a separation from events- eyes shut to changes) by providing new avenues for how we experience the sensations created by what we are consuming.

I know, that's a lot of words... here is an example...
On social media we very easily look at much more than we realize- and these pieces of content do shift how we are looking at what is going on around us at that very same time, in this confused space many people find stress, discomfort and so on. This might look like you unexpectedly becoming annoyed at someone that hasn't even said anything to you yet- but you have just looked up from some stressful chaotic global  political information and your mind hasn't yet been able to create a disconnect from that and you react in kind. This has nothing to do with the person infront of you nor the information blasting at you from your phone.
What can YOU do in order to take control of that?
What would actually work for you?
That is what Faern had on her mind with this episode...