EP 214 : How Abundance Relates To All 7 Chakras (So You Can Open Your Whole Channel To Abundance + Flow!)

Published: Oct. 18, 2023, 6:59 a.m.

b"Hey Spirit Girls!

Lately I've been exploring my new relationship woth abundance, Previously it's been connected to making money through my business, Now it's more from a space of the soft feminine and receptivity...

Then the other day I got a download from my Spirit Guides on how abundance relates to each chakra, What we can align / open up in each energy centre - So that there can be a flow through our whole channel!

In this episode I do a full breakdown of each chakra and it's connection to abundance / money, So that you can intuitively notice which insights might be helpful for you to work on (alchemise.)

Here's a breif bullet point list so that you can get a sneak peak!

Base Chakra : Foundational survival, Saftey + Security of finances

Sacral Chakra : Divine Feminine feeling creative + Pleasured with money

Solar Plexus : Worthiness, Values being invested in, Power, Divine Masculine, Structure of how money is managed, Responsibility, Taking action to generate income, Being provided for by the masculine

Heart Chakra : Feeling fulfilled in how you earn money, Having it spent on things that are meaningful

Throat Chakra : Being supported by abundance to express yourself

Third Eye Chakra : Aligning your intuitive soul vision with your financial goals, How much abundance you're meant to have in order to live who you came here to be

Crown Chakra : Receiving, Feeling like an investment for the universes resources

If you'd like to know more about the Abundance Readings that I'm now offering, I'll share the details below ...

Abundance Readings \\u2601\\ufe0f\\u2728

A clairvoyant Reading, Specifically focused on understanding your own soul\\u2019s blueprint for abundance + money \\u2026

Where we will tune into :

  • Your energetic alignment with Abundance
  • Exploring your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional + Physical relationship with Money
  • Chakra system analysis (specifically relating to abundance)
  • Ancestral DNA / Generational wealth consciousness
  • Your attachment style to money
  • How your nervous system relates to the safety of having more than enough
  • Personal worthiness / Sense of deserving / Receptivity
  • Clarifying resistances / Blocks / Self sabotaging / Patterns
  • Your capacity to hold abundance in your field / reality
  • The best way for you to expand your capacity
  • Exploring the channels / avenues for income (what is / isn\\u2019t aligned)
  • If you have a business we can tune into particular price points / Selling methods

These Readings are 45min video call sessions that are recorded for you to watch back over, They are $133USD,

If you\\u2019d like to book - Click here :

Or you can double your time and add an integration session, Where we alchemise the healing / expansion that has been highlighted in your Reading \\u2728

Abundance Reading + Integration Session (90mins) $222

Availability is currently within 1-2 weeks

Jessie x"