#232 Money idioms in English - Part 1

Published: Dec. 9, 2022, 7:07 p.m.


Hi! I\\u2019m Georgiana, your English teacher. Thank you for joining me for another episode.

Today you will learn new\\xa0idioms in
\\xa0with\\xa0MONEY. I will teach you some\\xa0English expressions related to money. And with a point-of-view story, you will learn grammar without memorizing any boring rules.

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Ok! Let\'s start!

Depending on the culture, people talk about money or get really uncomfortable when someone brings up this subject. However, everybody needs money nowadays, so today, we will learn expressions about money because "money makes the world go round."

When something "makes the world go round," it is extremely important. But not only money makes the world go round; love also makes the world go round. However, love without money can get really complicated sometimes.

Anyway, I\'m digressing. Today, I\'d like you to learn some English expressions\\xa0about money.

Let\\u2019s start!

#1. Bring Home the Bacon\\xa0

You may be thinking I\'m hungry. But although this expression may seem unusual, we use it to talk about money.

It means\\xa0earning money so that a family can get by.\\xa0


"I have to work day and night to support my family. Someone\'s got to\\xa0bring home the bacon."

#2. Time is Money\\xa0

We use this expression to emphasize that you should use your time wisely because you could use it to earn money.


"I\'ve been waiting for the delivery guy all day, but I can\'t sit around any longer.\\xa0Time is money."

#3. Break the Bank\\xa0

There is no need to break anything. We use this expression to say that something costs too much money.


\\u201cThat coat is way too expensive. It will\\xa0break the bank!\\u201d

#4. Quick Buck (Fast Buck)

These expressions refer to money earned easily or quickly and, on some occasions, may indicate that someone wants to earn money dishonestly.


\\u201cYou can\\xa0make a quick buck\\xa0by selling your coin collection.\\u201d

#5. Bread and Butter\\xa0

While bread and butter are delicious, we use this expression to indicate\\xa0someone who depends on their job for a living.


\\u201cI\'m sorry I can\'t go shopping with you tomorrow. I can\'t miss work again, or I\'ll get fired, remember, it\'s my\\xa0bread and butter!\\u201d

#6. Money Talks\\xa0

Obviously, this expression cannot be taken at face value. But it\'s pretty funny.

We use it to talk about wealthy people that can get whatever they want because they have money.


"I was convinced that I had a high chance of being elected. However, my opponent has much more money than I do, and, as they say,\\xa0money talks."

#7. Born with a Silver Spoon in your Mouth\\xa0

This expression means\\xa0to be born to a wealthy family. Therefore, people born with a silver spoon in their mouths get everything they want.


\\u201cMy friend\'s parents always gave her everything she ever wanted. She\\xa0was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.\\xa0\\u201c


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