#211 Time Prepositions in English

Published: May 15, 2022, 9:13 a.m.


Hi, I am Georgiana, your English teacher and founder of\\xa0SpeakEnglishPodcast.com. My mission is to help you to speak English fluently.

Today, I am going to talk about time prepositions in English.\\xa0

And with a point of view story, you will learn grammar in context without memorizing any boring rules.

Before we get started, go to my website\\xa0SpeakEnglishPodcast.com to get the\\xa0transcript. It\'s free!\\xa0

Ok. Let\'s start!

Prepositions\\xa0are short words (on, in, to, of) that usually stand in front of nouns, pronouns, or a group of nouns.

They show\\xa0direction,\\xa0time,\\xa0place,\\xa0location,\\xa0or\\xa0introduce\\xa0an\\xa0object.\\xa0

We commonly use\\xa0prepositions\\xa0to show a\\xa0relationship\\xa0in space or time or a\\xa0logical relationship between\\xa0two or more people, places, or things.\\xa0

But today, we will focus on\\xa0time prepositions.

I don\'t recommend memorizing the examples since that method doesn\'t work. It\'s always best to learn in context by listening repeatedly.\\xa0

Ok. Let\\u2019s start learning some time prepositions in English.

We use ON before the days of the week:


"I went to the doctor on Monday."

"Don\\u2019t call me on Sundays because I\\u2019m resting."

"I\\u2019d like to buy you lunch on Friday."


We use IN before months, sessions, time of the day, year, seasons, or after a certain time period.


"I was born in September."

"Many people go on vacation in August."

"I like running in the morning."

"My mom came back from the trip in the evening."


"Her family goes to Hawaii in winter."

"I love going to the beach in summer."


"We visited Mexico in 2010."

"My sister was born in 1998."

"I\\u2019ll see you in an hour."

"I\\u2019ll be back in 20 minutes."

We use AT for night, for the weekend, and at a certain time.




"We sometimes finish work at night."

"Kids go to bed at 9 pm."

"I visit my family at Christmas."


We use SINCE with days or dates.\\xa0



"I haven\'t seen Tom since yesterday."

"She hasn\\u2019t eaten since breakfast.

"Since the party, he has not spoken to me at all."

We use the preposition FOR to indicate the length of time.


"I haven\'t seen him for two years."

"She had been taking care of her mother for a year."

"I\\u2019ve waited for the bus\\xa0for\\xa0two hours."

We use "AGO" to determine a specific time in the past.



"She renewed her membership about two months ago."

"Winter seems a very long time ago."

"He should have gone a long while ago."


"BEFORE and AFTER"\\xa0

We use\\xa0"before" and "after" to say that something happens before or after a specific time. You can use "before" and "after" with specific times, days, years, or months.


"They never visit us before the summer arrives."

"They will visit us after the summer arrives."

"I\\u2019m hoping we can finish work before 5 pm."

"I\\u2019m hoping we can finish work after 4 pm."

Ok, that\\u2019s it for now, but before we continue\\u2026\\xa0

I have something important to tell you. I want you to learn English 3 times faster, and that\'s why I created a video course. Go to SpeakEnglishPodcast.com and get my video course for FREE!
