#065 Talking about Astronomy in English

Published: Nov. 14, 2018, 8:38 p.m.


Hello everyone! I\\u2019m Georgiana, your online English teacher. My mission is to help you speak English fluently. Speaking English is easier than it seems! You just have to use the right material and techniques.

Let's practice some specific vocabulary. This time, about astronomy.

Later you\\u2019ll have fun with a mini-story, and finally, I\\u2019ll show you a trick to help you be more motivated.

All right, let's get started!

The main reason I decided to talk about astronomy is because it\\u2019s

a topic that I find interesting. And of course, it's also an opportunity for you to practice specific vocabulary.

Let's talk about concepts related to astronomy. Nothing complicated, but useful for certain conversations. Let's see what you think.

Well, then, ... Where do we live? We live on a planet. Our planet is called the Earth. Remember this in case you ever get lost in the galaxy and have to go back.

Our beloved Earth has a satellite. This satellite, the only one, it revolves around our planet and is called the Moon.


Read the transcript here: speakenglishpodcast.com



READ the TEXT here: SpeakEnglishPod.com
