Spark.Cast | Conversational Interview with Justin Lee

Published: March 29, 2019, 7 a.m.


On March 10, 2019, Spark Church in partnership with four other organizations, hosted a public conversation between Justin Lee and Preston Sprinkle on the topic of sexuality, scripture, and the soul of christianity. If you haven\\u2019t watched or listened to that event, I highly recommend doing so before listening to these follow-up conversations because for that particular event, our main focus was to model and engage in respectful and humble dialogue on one of the most divisive issues facing the church. I\\u2019m deeply grateful to Justin and Preston for holding that space, and for them incarnating that ethic, and being exemplars for The Church as a whole.


Because time is always a frustrating constraint, Justin and Preston have graciously agreed to these follow up podcast interviews where we address some of the top questions that were submitted, and dig far deeper into the implications of each of their views. These interviews are based on that same ethic, and it is our hope that these conversations equip us with a better understanding of the arguments, the theologies, and the humanity of the perspectives, so that we all can be better followers of Jesus as a result.
