Romans | Heaven Forbid, The Algorithm That Is [Kevin Neuner]

Published: March 3, 2024, 8 a.m.

b'Twice in chapter six Paul exhorts the Romans to no longer continue sinning. He even uses an exasperated expression, "Heaven Forbid!" In addition to the spiritual teaching that we should do the right thing, there appears to be another layer, a deeper undercurrent in the teaching. Some appear to be arguing for a kind of "theological calculus." If sinning increases grace, then sinning must therefore be good. That kind of thinking\\u2014"spiritual algorithm"\\u2014is what Paul says leads to death. But we have been raised with Christ and are very much alive. As we explore this ancient teaching in light of our modern world of AI (artificial intelligence) we are exhorted to hold desperately on to our humanity, forsaking the "spiritual algorithm," because we don\'t do math. We do Jesus.'