PeterA Living Hope | Fiercely Faithful, part III, Teleology [Kevin Neuner]

Published: July 22, 2023, 11 a.m.

b'Christian identity and fidelity culminates in a critical question. \\u201cNow what?\\u201d How do we live out this kind of life\\u2014a life of love, grace, mercy, and salvation\\u2014in an overwhelmingly powerful culture that mocks Christianity, and a political complex that murdered the founder of this faith? How shall we now live when there is slavery, economic disparity, social inequality, corrupt government, and more? The secret, no surprise, is found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Far from \\u201cblind faith,\\u201d however, this Way empowers a sense of agency and autonomy. No matter how challenging the systems of power are, nothing can strip you of the ability to have meaning and purpose. This kind of spirituality uses the end goal (the \\u201ctelos\\u201d) as a means of transforming the world, beginning with us.'