Eyewitness to COP26 [Danielle Parish]

Published: Dec. 14, 2021, 7:54 a.m.


\\u201dCOP\\u201d stands for \\u201cConference of the Parties,\\u201d the United Nations annual gathering of world leaders to address climate change. Pastor Danielle Parish of Spark.Church was an official United Nations Conference Observer at this year\\u2019s COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. At this event, Pastor Danielle shared a report on her experiences, key moments and decisions, and discussed how faith communities can continue to pursue justice in our current climate crisis.


We were also introduced to Violet Wulf-Saena, Founder & Executive Director of Climate Resilient Communities, a community-based organization dedicated to serving the underrepresented through empowering community voices to implement climate solutions that bring about unity and resilience. (www.climatercommunities.org)
