Becky Stanton on Manifesting & Mindset

Published: Nov. 18, 2020, 4 a.m.

Sure, we've all seen inspirational Instagram posts telling us that 'the universe has our back' and we have to 'dream it to achieve it' - but what does it really mean to manifest our goals, our dreams, and our desires? And how do we do it?

Becky Stanton is a Manifestation and Mindset Coach and joins me on the podcast this week to talk about the Law of Attraction (did you know, there are actually 12 Universal Laws, it just so happens that the Law of Attraction is the most famous? No? Me either!), how we can manifest more in our lives, and she offers up some tips and tricks for a cultivating a more abundant mindset.

You can find Becky Stanton online at: / @beckystanton_mindsetcoach
You can find me at  @soundsabitwoowootome /


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