Ep. 008 "YOU'RE A RACIST!"

Published: July 22, 2019, 3 p.m.


Buckle the F WORD up for this one, people. BiggMike Smooth (@TattooFaceMike) and #TheAnonymousTony (@darthmeme34) (this dude name drops himself and is almost not anonymous anymore, but we edited that out) jump balls deep into the deep end out the racism pool. This is one of those discussions that is NOT for the faint at heart... If you are easily offended, skip this episode. You are likely to end up angry.\\xa0

(2:30) Mike says a quick thank you for the supports and outreach.\\xa0

(4:45) Tony loves Mashed Potatoes.\\xa0

(7:05) What did #TheKaiden say this week that made Mike cry....laughing!

(11:10) Did you know it's called a spigot?!\\xa0

(12:15) A few racist and sexist jokes.\\xa0

(15:30) Final Warning. Do NOT listen past this point if you are a weeny face and get offended by things that shouldn't offend people. Shut It Off Now. Seriously.\\xa0

(16:45) If you are still here, thank you. Buckle That Seatbelt.\\xa0

(17:00) Are You Racist? What is Racist? Is there an advantage to being white (duh).\\xa0

(31:10) If enough people are mad about something, does that mean its a real reason to be mad?

(32:30) Where is the line? Gadsen Flag, Chris Pratt, Crosses, Betsy Ross Flag, The American Flag, and other symbols. Does a racist group of people using these symbols automatically mean they are racist?\\xa0

(50:00) Deplatforming on social media sites. Is it ok?\\xa0

(1:03:00) Trump Stuff.\\xa0

There are tons of issues going on in America. There is absolutely things that we should all be up in arms about. There is absolutely still racism in this county and world. But we all should stop taking things at face value and do some digging. Read up on subjects. Don't just read the headline and assume that it is a factual situation. Research, think, rinse, repeat.\\xa0

Comments? Questions? Just want to say hi? Hello@SomeRandomPodcast.com\\xa0



