Ep. 006 "Melting Ice Caps, Equal Pay for Athletes, and Food Addiction"

Published: July 8, 2019, 2 p.m.


This week's episode dives into the deep end of the random pool! Join us as BiggMike Smooth (@TattooFaceMike) and #TheAnonymousTony (@DarthMeme34) as they discuss women's soccer, singers with accents singing without accents,\\xa0

(6:40) Famous singers and actors that have accents normally but not when they sing or act. How on earth does that work?!\\xa0

(15:30) How is #TheWyatt doing? What weird stuff has he done this week?\\xa0

(16:45) Tony loves Paige from WWE. Did Mike ruin it for him?\\xa0

(27:20) Climate Change Question. Why Doesn't Ice overflow my cup when it melts, but APPARENTLY if the glaciers melt, we will flood. WHY!?\\xa0

(33:59) Women's Soccer! They Won! Yahoo! Now, should they be paid the same as the men's soccer team? Do female sports draw money and attention like male sports?\\xa0

(49:15) We call #TheWyatt to see how he is doing at 9:30pm. He is the master of dead air time.\\xa0

(52:00) Mike opens up about having an addiction to food. Is that possible? Tony helps open up the curtain on what it means to have an addiction, how to help beat those addictions, and making positive strides. This is one of the most serious topics that the guys have dove into, and it gets deep and a little dark at times. Vulnerability at its finest.\\xa0

Have questions or comments? Email us at Hello@SomeRandomPodcast.com


