The Magic Carpet

Published: Aug. 7, 2020, 5 a.m.

b'We hope you enjoy this preview of an episode from our back catalog available to our premium subscribers. Tonight, we\\u2019ll read short stories including "The Magic Carpet" from the compilation called "The Day Before Yesterday" by Richard Middleton, published posthumously in 1912.\\xa0To unlock full episodes, ad-free listening and more, please go to\\n\\nMiddleton was a tragic figure- a young man impatient for success, who managed to live the archetypal life of the Romantic Bohemian poet, complete with poverty, unrequited love for an impossible woman, and an early, tragic death.\\xa0\\n\\nNo novels were published while he was alive. Soon after his death, he was quote unquote discovered and critically acclaimed for the brilliance of his work and the brevity of his life.Four volumes of his collected works were published, including this one...\\n\\n-- read by \'N\' --\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'