Baking Cakezzz

Published: March 31, 2021, 6 a.m.

Tonight, we\u2019ll read about baking cakes from the \u201cWoman's Institute Library of Cookery, Volume 4\u201d\n\nThis was the same book we have read selections for the original Breadtime episode along with the Baking Cookiezzz episode.\n\nThe Woman\u2019s Institute was founded by Mary Brooks Picken in Scranton, PA. Born in Kansas in 1886, Picken wrote the first dictionary to be published by a woman in the English language, beyond the over one hundred other books she wrote.\n\n\u2014 read by 'V' \u2014\nSign up for Snoozecast+ to get expanded, ad-free access by going to\!\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit