An Old Road

Published: June 12, 2020, 10 p.m.

b'We hope you enjoy this preview of an episode from our back catalog available to our premium subscribers.\\xa0Tonight, we\\u2019ll read a chapter titled \\u201cAn Old Road\\u201d from "A Rambler\\u2019s Lease" by Bradford Torrey, published in 1892.\\xa0To unlock full episodes, ad-free listening, and more, please go to\\\\n\\nTorrey was an American ornithologist. He also edited a book of Thoreau\\u2019s journal writings. He wrote a preface to A Rambler\\u2019s Lease paraphrased as follows: \\u201cThe writer of this little book has found so much pleasure in other men\'s woods and fields that he has come to look upon himself as in some sort the owner of them. Their lawful possessors will not begrudge him this feeling, he believes, nor take it amiss if he assumes, even in this public way, to hold a rambler\'s lease of their property. His private opinion is that the world belongs to those who enjoy it.\\u201d\\xa0\\n\\n\\u2014 read by \'V\' \\u2014\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'