Kacy's Pink Noise: A Soothing Sleep Soundtrack

Published: April 26, 2024, 8 p.m.


Tonight's episode is inspired by a recent story on Sleep Tight Stories, 'Kacy Does Not Like Pink'. This soundtrack features a continuous, soothing pink noise that helps mask distracting sounds and may improve your sleep quality by regulating brain waves to make it easier to fall and stay asleep. Even though Kacy isn't a fan of the colour pink, this pink noise might just be what you need to settle down and drift into a deep, restful slumber.\\xa0Sleep Tight!

Sleep Tight!, Sheryl & Clark


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About Sleep Tight Sounds

Sleep Tight Sounds features tranquil music and soothing sounds designed to help children and their families fall asleep and stay asleep. We never outgrow the need for comfort, so go ahead and let us tuck you in. Tune in with your littles and/or as part of your own bedtime routine. Now close your eyes, take a big exhale, and relax\\u2026.\\xa0
