Episode 258: Barbarian (2022)

Published: Nov. 24, 2022, 5:37 a.m.


A RECENT MOVIE?! Slasher Radio usually waits for the dust to clear and give some time before they throw down on a movie but here we are with BARBARIAN!!

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VERY special thanks and a BIG part of our show are all\\xa0of\\xa0our\\xa0Patrons\\xa0who\\xa0support\\xa0us\\xa0but\\xa0ESPECIALLY our 3 TIER CLOVER\\xa0&\\xa0GOT\\xa0THE\\xa0HOSE\\xa0patrons\\xa0who\\xa0are\\xa0officially SLASHER FAMILY:

EyeRChris - @EyeRChris

Camp Counselor Greg - @CampSpringwood

Jinx - @J_Jinxter

Domi - @Ophelia_Batwing



Special THANKS to John Brennan for our news segment & transition music tracks! You can check out him and his work at:

Every week on The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs

on Twitter @badtechno


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