SFP 115: The Benefits of Rowdy Play [with Frances Carlson of Big Body Play]

Published: July 11, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

b'Horseplay is developmentally beneficial for our growing children. If you have a kid who plays rowdy, then you need to hear this. We need to find a way to encourage this behavior rather than discourage it. In today\\u2019s episode, I am chatting with Frances Carlson, the author of the book Big Body Play. I found Frances\\u2019 work to be eye opening and I think you will too.\\nFor some children, the need to move is just too much. They just have to let that energy out. And unfortunately they get labeled as misbehaving children, when what they are doing is what they need to develop. It\\u2019s like saying \\u201cif you get up and eat, you are misbehaving\\u201d \\u2013 Frances Carlson\\nShow Links/Notes:\\n\\n\\nBig Body Play [the book]\\n\\n\\nBig Body Play [the website]\\n\\n\\nThe post SFP 115: The Benefits of Rowdy Play [with Frances Carlson of Big Body Play] appeared first on Simple Families.'