Hard Decisions

Published: Oct. 28, 2020, 5:01 a.m.

b'Today we are talking about upsetting our kids. Sometimes as parents, we have to make hard decisions for our kids. Decisions they don\\u2019t like. Decisions that upset them. We are talking about feeling that tension between what your child wants you to do versus what you actually need to do.\\xa0\\nThis tension can quickly turn into fear. Fear that they will whine. Fear they will be disappointed. Fear that they will cry. Maybe even fear that they will be traumatized (I hear this one a lot from you all!).\\xa0\\nHere\\u2019s where I feel like it gets confusing. We are all striving to be responsive, respectful parents. We want to honor our children\\u2019s individuality. We want to honor their choices. We want to empower them to make important decisions in their own lives.\\xa0\\nBUT\\u2026our kids don\\u2019t have fully developed reasoning skills. They can\\u2019t fully see through the implications of their decisions. They can\\u2019t always understand our rationale. They often live in the moment.\\xa0\\nThe post Hard Decisions appeared first on Simple Families.'