America en Familia nos cuenta su encuentro con el Papa Francisco en Philadelphia

Published: Sept. 28, 2015, 2:14 p.m.

b'Am\\xe9rica en Familia
Estuvimos con el Papa!!!!! A las 6 de la ma\\xf1ana recibimos un llamado que el Papa quer\\xeda conocernos, que vayamos inmediatamente al Seminario San Carlos. Imag\\xednense el revuelo que se arm\\xf3. Todos corr\\xedamos de un lado para otro en completo caos. Llegamos volando sin poder creer lo que nos estaba pasando. En un hall nos dijeron que ahora vendr\\xeda. Y a los 5 minutos est\\xe1bamos frente a Francisco que nos dice" \\xbfUstedes son la familia que viaj\\xf3 de Buenos Aires?, est\\xe1n locos" y se re\\xeda. S\\xed le decimos, tambi\\xe9n tenemos una cuota de sana inconsciencia como vos. Grandes abrazos. Cala se aferr\\xf3 a su cintura y no lo largaba. Le dijimos que hay miles de familias en Am\\xe9rica que lo quieren mucho y est\\xe1n rezando por \\xe9l. "Lo necesito, esto es muy dif\\xedcil, desde este lugar se puede hacer mucho bien y mucho mal, recen por mi". Hicimos un abrazo grupal los 7. Le dijimos que ten\\xedamos tantas ganas de saludarlo, Y nos dijo"cuando me dijeron que estaban por ac\\xe1, yo dije que los quer\\xeda conocer, los estuve siguiendo, qu\\xe9 bueno que los encontraron!". y en italiano (traduzco) le dice a alguno de la comitiva: "Esto es muy importante: una familia joven que tiene el coraje de salir en una kombi y vivir la vida con j\\xfabilo! que sale al encuentro de otras familias". Cala tra\\xeda un rosario y pidi\\xf3 que se lo bendiga. Nos hab\\xedan dicho que iba a ser r\\xe1pido pero \\xe9l segu\\xeda conversando. De gran charla los 7. Todo muy distendido y familiar, como si fuese un amigo de siempre. "Gracias por venir" y le dijimos : "gracias por inspirarnos a salir y hacer un poco de l\\xedo". Y mientras se iba se da vuelta y con carcajada "Son unos inconscientes!". El mejor regalo para el fin del viaje de nuestra vida.

(nos sacaron MUCHAS fotos. En breve las colgamos)

We met the Pope !!! At 6 in the morning we received a call that the Pope was very happy to see us and that we had to go immediately to San Charles Seminary. Imagine the uproar that this causes. We all ran from one place to another in complete chaos. We arrived flying without believing what was happening to us. In a hall they told us that the Pope would come. And after 5 minutes we were in front of him and he tells us "You are the family who traveled from Buenos Aires? You are crazy," and laughed. Yes we say, we also have a healthy share of unawareness like you. Big hugs. Cala clung to his waist and did no leave him. We said that we met hundreds of families in America who love him and are praying for him. "I need prayers, this is very difficult, from this position one can do great good and great evil, pray for me." We did a group hug the 7 of us. We said we were so eager to greet him, and he said "when they told that you were over here, I said that I wanted to meet you, Ive been following you, its great they found you". and in Italian (I translate) he tells one of the party: "This is very important: a young family who has the courage to go out on a kombi and live life with joy and to the encounter of other families". Cala carried a rosary and asked for a blessing. We had been told that he had little time but he kept on talking with us. All very friendly and relaxed, as if he were a lifelong friend. "Thanks for coming" he said and we replied "Thank you for inspiring us to go out and make a little mess." And as he went he turns around and joked with a laugh "You are crazy!". The best gift for the end of the journey of our life.

(Many pictures to come)'