100 Mujeres 100 millas para ver al Papa Francisco. Andrea Cristina Mercado

Published: Sept. 23, 2015, 2:07 p.m.

b'Mujeres Caminan 100 Millas Para Ver Al Pont\\xedfice En Washington Y Concientizar Sobre Inmigraci\\xf3n
September 23, 2015
Un centenar de mujeres comenzaron un peregrinaje de 100 millas de Pennsylvania a Washington, DC, con la esperanza de conocer al Papa Francisco en la capital del pa\\xeds la semana que viene, al tiempo que piden leyes de inmigraci\\xf3n m\\xe1s humanas y compasivas.

Del 15 al 23 de septiembre, 100 mujeres inmigrantes y sus partidarios caminar\\xe1n de estado a estado, como parte de la campa\\xf1a \\u201dWe Belong Together", se\\xf1ala el sitio web de la campa\\xf1a. La marcha de una semana comenz\\xf3 el martes por la ma\\xf1ana frente a la prisi\\xf3n del condado de York, en Pensilvania, con una vigilia de oraci\\xf3n. Despu\\xe9s, las mujeres y sus acompa\\xf1antes comenzaron a caminar hacia su primera parada en New Freedom, Pa.

Andrea Cristina Mercado is the Campaign Director at the National Domestic Workers Alliance. She is the daughter of South American immigrants and was raised in New York and Florida. Andrea was the Community Organizer and Political Director at Mujeres Unidas y Activas (MUA), a grassroots Latina immigrant women\\u2019s organization in the San Francisco Bay Area, from 2003-2012. In 2005 she helped found and build the California Domestic Worker Coalition, which recently passed a Domestic Worker Bill of Rights. At MUA she also helped to organize the first national meeting of domestic workers organizations at the US Social Forum in 2007, which resulted in the formation of the National Domestic Workers Alliance. As Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance she now helps lead Domestic Worker Bill of Rights campaigns across the country and We Belong Together: Women for Common Sense Immigration Reform campaign. She has also lived and worked in Bahia, Brazil with Ipeterras, a sustainable agriculture project, organizing against free trade agreements and developing sustainable alternatives to migration. She holds a Bachelor\\u2019s degree from Brown University, and lives with her husband and two children in South Florida. -
