Vending Machine Hack, Chucky's Amber Alert, HarmonyOS, & Realtek Vulns - PSW #682

Published: Feb. 7, 2021, 10 a.m.


Security in a Complex World, Huawei\\u2019s HarmonyOS embodies \\u201cFake it till you make it\\u201d, Hackers Infiltrating the World of Online Gaming, Sloppy patches breed zero-day exploits, Dutch researcher hacks prepaid vending machines, When was the last time you said: "Hey, that web app on that IoT/network device was really secure!"? Test Amber Alert accidentally sent out warning of Chucky from the Child\\u2019s Play horror movies, Major Vulnerabilities Discovered in Realtek RTL8195A Wi-Fi Module, New Linux malware steals SSH credentials from supercomputers, From Microsoft: how not to run Docker in Azure Functions.


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