Twitterpocalypse 2022, Wiz, Awesome Free Tools, & News Catch Up - ESW #286

Published: Aug. 27, 2022, 9 p.m.


In the Enterprise Security News: We discuss Twitterpocalypse 2022! The Biggest Winner? Security startup Wiz reaches $100M ARR in 18 months??? Tons of funding we probably won\\u2019t get to, sorry in advance, we\\u2019ve got 2 weeks of news to catch up on! Awesome free tools, free training and DIY tips! Third party attacks and supply chain attacks continue to ramp up, John Deere\\u2019s security deficiencies get exposed again, Cyber insurers reduce coverage\\u2026 again, ESPN8 the Ocho, explained, and more, on this episode of Enterprise Security Weekly!


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