The Rise of RegOps: The Need for Compliance Automation - Travis Howerton - ESW #313

Published: April 14, 2023, 9 a.m.


Compliance with cyber security frameworks such as NIST, PCI, HIPAA, etc. have largely been driven by paper-based processes in Word and Excel. With the rise of cloud computing, containers, and ephemeral systems, paper-based processes can no longer keep up with the speed of business and compliance has become the new bottleneck to progress for highly regulated industries such as government, finance, and energy sector. This session will cover how RegScale is leading a RegOps movement to bring the principles of DevOps to compliance with the world\\u2019s first real-time GRC system that enables compliance as code via NIST OSCAL. RegOps seeks to shift compliance left to make it real-time, continuous, and complete so that paperwork is always up to date, self-updating, and takes less manual resources to manage.

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