The Law, War Crimes, & the Foreign Legion - Capt. John Alfred, Thomas Lonardo - PSW #737

Published: April 22, 2022, 9 p.m.


Considering that history has always had foreign legions, from Lord Byron fighting in Greece (well fighting might be a bit much), to For Whom the Bell Tolls, to the Flying Tigers, to the Layfayette Escadrille, foreign fighters have often entered war zones for a wide variety of reasons. Today, well, you can join up to a virtual cause and fight for whatever cause you are seeking and fight from the comfort of your own gaming chair. No selling your estates and dashing off to attack Lepanto, although you can do that too if you like. In this segment, we discuss, the computer fraud and abuse act, what it means to be a member of the foreign legion, and revisit the whole idea of hacking back as a security technique!\\xa0


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