The Joe Sullivan Case: Anomaly or Precedent? Part 2 - ESW #296

Published: Nov. 10, 2022, 11:28 p.m.


In this panel discussion, we\'ll discuss the polarizing case of Joe Sullivan that has rattled the CISO community. Was the Sullivan case a rare anomaly? Were his actions in this scenario typical or unconscionable for the average CISO? Is it okay for Sullivan to take the fall while the rest of Uber and involved parties plead out with little to no punishment?

We\'ll tackle all these questions and more with our excellent panel, comprised of:

Sounil Yu, CISO and Head of Research at JupiterOne

Brian Markham, CISO at EAB

Rich Friedburg, CISO at Live Oak Bank

Robert Graham, Owner at Errata Security


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Show Notes:
