The C-Suite's Risk Mitigation Strategy - Kevin O'Brien - BSW #196

Published: Nov. 17, 2020, 10 p.m.


Email security is transitioning into being one of the top security pillars within the C-Suite\\u2019s risk mitigation strategy. Given that it\\u2019s the largest attack vector \\u2013 not only based on the quantity of people who could be responsible for compromise, but also that it results in the greatest quantity of data breaches for organizations. Kevin O\'Brien, CEO and Co-Founder at GreatHorn joins Business Security Weekly for a discussion around what risk mitigation looks like in email, including: - No longer known bad/known good. And, it\\u2019s not \\u201cmagical\\u201d AI or behind a black box - It\\u2019s about being able to identify all the factors that contribute to risk within email \\u2013 individual users, departments, and the organization itself. How much of a risk tolerance do you have as you look at each and being able to balance controls accordingly. - Risk mitigation comes down to data. And in email security, it\\u2019s 2 data points - Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) and Mean Time to Respond (MTTR)


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