SWVHSC Micro Interviews: deepwatch & ExtraHop - Corey Bodzin, Michael Sanders - ESW #197

Published: Sept. 4, 2020, 9 a.m.


deepwatch Lens Score - The first SecOps maturity benchmarking and planning app. Answers CISO Questions: How mature is my Security Program? How do I compare to my peers? What one thing should I do next? This segment is sponsored by deepwatch. Visit https://www.deepwatch.com/lens-score/ to try deepwatch Lens Score for free!


Every organization gets compromised - it\\u2019s how you fast you detect and respond that counts. Trends like the overnight move to remote work and the subsequent increase in phishing attacks, the acceleration of cloud adoption, and proliferation of enterprise IoT have expanded the attack surface and complicated the job of security professionals. We\\u2019ll explore those trends and the opportunity that lay ahead for security teams post-compromise to prevent an event that results in an outage or incident from becoming a full-scale data breach. This segment is sponsored by ExtraHop Networks. Visit https://securityweekly.com/extrahop to learn more about them! For a free trial of Reveal(x)360 visit: www.extrahop.com/swbh


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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/esw197
