SWVHSC Micro Interviews: CrowdStrike & Synopsys - Ian McShane, Michael Borohovski - ESW #197

Published: Sept. 4, 2020, 9 p.m.


This year we\\u2019ve seen organizations accelerate their so-called digital transformation almost overnight. Now we\\u2019re getting to the point where security leaders and business owners need to stop and take stock of what happened, what\\u2019s a temporary band aid, and figure out how to build their strategy without the luxury of getting yelled at by vendor booths in Mandalay Bay. This segment is sponsored by CrowdStrike. Visit https://securityweekly.com/crowdstrike for a totally free trial! CrowdStrike at Black Hat USA 2020 https://www.crowdstrike.blog/join-crowdstrike-at-black-hat-2020/


All applications use APIs\\u2014they\\u2019re nothing new to the development world. But are organizations factoring API security into their broader security strategy effectively? We\\u2019ve seen high-profile breaches at well-known companies stemming from their exposure or use of insecure API endpoints. This raises the question of how your software security initiative addresses the controls you need to ensure the APIs you use and produce are secure. Within this segment, Michael Borohovski will discuss key considerations when designing APIs, along with security controls and security testing that could make or break your software. This segment is sponsored by Synopsys. Visit https://securityweekly.com/synopsys to learn more about them!


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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/esw197
