Splunk Acquisition and The Blob with Allie Mellen - ESW #333

Published: Sept. 29, 2023, 9 p.m.


This week, we changed things up a bit for the news segment and Allie Mellen joins us as a surprise guest host! We discuss Cisco\'s Splunk acquisition and what it means for Splunk customers, and "The Blob" - Allie\'s term describing the negative forces responsible for much of the overhyped marketing, silly trends, and substandard products we see in the industry.

Segment Resources:

Allie\'s blog on Cisco/Splunk:\\xa0 https://www.forrester.com/blogs/splunk-is-good-for-cisco-but-cisco-needs-to-convince-splunk-customers-that-cisco-is-good-for-them/

Allie\'s blog on The Blob:\\xa0 https://www.forrester.com/blogs/the-blob-is-poisoning-the-security-industry/

Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/esw-333
