Securing your Browser & The Journey to Password[less] - Karim Toubba, Mike Fey - BSW #316

Published: Aug. 14, 2023, 9 p.m.


The modern web browser is the single most commonly used application by enterprises worldwide. Its power, simplicity, and usability makes it an essential tool at work. And yet, the browser is not an enterprise application. It lacks the fundamental controls enterprises require to ensure proper security, visibility, and governance over critical apps and data. As a result, we surround the browser with a massive security ecosystem in an attempt to manage the intersection between users, web applications, and the underlying data. In the process, our technology stack becomes complex, expensive, and fragile to maintain, while end users are left with a frustrating experience. All because the consumer browser was not designed with enterprise needs in mind. The question is: What if there was a browser designed exclusively for the enterprise?

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Hear from Karim Toubba, CEO of LastPass, on LastPass\' journey to passwordless, the importance of a passwordless world and why authentication is becoming more complex and facilitating the ease of authentication for users at work and at home.


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