Reduce Attack Surface; Increase Car Safety and Customer Confidence with Identity - Ashley Leonard, Eve Maler, Michael Lakhal - ESW #318

Published: May 19, 2023, 9 a.m.


Enterprises are struggling to manage and reduce their organizational attack surface, especially with a shortage of skilled staff. Find out how some security executives are tackling this challenge by automating their IT and vulnerability management.

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Cars have evolved from a physical mode of transportation to a digitized experience, bringing with it new risks and challenges in security, privacy and user experience. Putting identity at the center of the connected world solves simplicity and safety challenges, including physical safety, digital security and data privacy. Furthermore, decentralized identity plays a major role in a better, more secure seamless experience \\u2013 not just for vehicles, but for society at large.

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There is a war on trust in the digital world, and people are caught in the crosshairs. Everywhere we look, there are identity risks with crippling repercussions for businesses, whether fake people, fake content, or insecure web links. With the rise of generative AI tools in business, threat actors are utilizing these technologies to create more sophisticated phishing emails \\u2013 mimicking brands and tone or more easily translating copy into several languages making them more difficult to identify and easily connecting hackers with global audiences. Now is the time to implement solutions that empower a connected thread of trust between businesses and users \\u2013 before all trust is lost.

This segment is sponsored by OneSpan. Visit\\xa0to learn more about them!


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