Ping of Death, 500 Year Old Ciphers, Pwn The Dev, & Chatbot's Order 66 - PSW #766

Published: Dec. 8, 2022, 5 p.m.


In the Security News: ping of death returns, remembering when the Internet disconnected if your Mom picked up the phone, a 500-year-old cipher is cracked, VLC is always up-to-date, SIM swapper goes to prison, Rust is more secure but your supply chain is not, if you pwn the developer you win, you have too many security tools, Chrome zero days are not news, Log4Shell what changed?, Hive social again, ChatGPT, there\'s a vulnerability in your SDK, and it takes 3 exploits to pwn Linux, All that, and more, on this episode of Paul\\u2019s Security Weekly!


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