Overcoming Challenges in Multinational Phishing Simulations - Omer Taran - ESW #273

Published: May 14, 2022, 9 a.m.


According to CybeReady, during such turbulent times, one should regard all emails with extra caution and double-check the sender\\u2019s address carefully. Beware of requests that ask for technical assistance such as running software or helping to take down websites. These might not only be illegal but may also be used to hack systems on the corporate network. Try to remember that during times of crisis, there is an increase in phishing attempts of all kinds as hackers take advantage of the situation. In this circumstance, employees need to stay updated from both a news and computing perspective. To be proactive in the defense of computing environments, our security experts recommend:

1. Personal computer and phones: Install the latest operating system and security updates.

2. Implement 2FA/MFA: Use a phone number or authentication app as the second factor of authentication to all important applications, social media accounts (Facebook/Meta, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.), and personal email accounts. Backup email and ensure it is recoverable.

3. Change Passwords: If you are reusing a password in sites that hold your personal information, it is a good time to change your passwords.

4. Support a Culture of Security: Train your employees continuously, advise friends and family to do the same, and take an active role in creating a safer internet.

5. Defend Work from Home Environments: Install the operating system and security updates. If these are available you should see a notification on your computer or phone. Especially important to business continuity in these times of uncertainty is the need for automated cybersecurity training that adapts to employee educational needs and accelerates the learning process.


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