New CEOs, SMB & Cyber Insurance Trends, Herman Miller Chairs, & SQL Slammer - ESW #304

Published: Feb. 3, 2023, 10 p.m.


In the Enterprise News: There\'s lots of executive shuffling going on! Saviynt gets a new CEO and $205M in funding, Forescout appoints its 4th CEO in as many years, and Mudge finds a place at Rapid 7. We\'ve got some interesting trends, like more focus on securing small businesses, and more cybersecurity startups pairing technology with cyber insurance. It seems like only yesterday, we were shocked to hear that Microsoft was running a $10B security business, but Microsoft has apparently now grown security revenue to $20 BILLION DOLLARS. Also, Tyler explains what Herman Miller chairs have to do with spotting market trends, we note the 20 year anniversary of SQL Slammer, and discuss why consumers don\\u2019t want smart appliances shoved down their throats!


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