Mitigating AppSec Risk with Systematic Testing and Effective Attack Mitigation - Karl Triebes, Patrick Vandenberg - ASW #239

Published: May 2, 2023, 9 p.m.


Without visibility into your entire web application attack surface and a continuous find and fix strategy, dangerous threats can expose your organization\'s blind spots and create risk. Invicti analyzes common web application vulnerabilities across thousands of assets yearly and releases the Invicti AppSec Indicator for a holistic view of application vulnerability trends from automated scan results across regions. In this interview, Invicti\'s Patrick Vandenberg zooms in on the vulnerabilities plaguing organizations, providing insight into this year\'s report trends, and guidance on how CISOs and AppSec program leaders can create an environment for their teams that mitigates risk.

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This segment is sponsored by Invicti. Visit\\xa0to learn more about them!


Flaws in the design and implementation of an application can create business logic vulnerabilities that allow attackers to manipulate legitimate functionality to achieve a malicious goal. What\\u2019s more, API-related security incidents exploit business logic, the programming that manages communication between the application and the database. In this discussion, Karl Triebes shares what you need to know about business logic attacks to effectively protect against them.

This segment is sponsored by Imperva. Visit\\xa0to learn more about them!


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