Focusing on Preventing Ransomware - Roger Grimes - PSW #716

Published: Oct. 29, 2021, 9 a.m.


A good backup is not prevention. Its recovery. Roger A. Grimes, author of the just released Ransomware Protection Playbook (Wiley), and author of 12 other books and over 1100 articles on computer security is going to discuss how sophisticated ransomware is today, how it usually breaks in, what it does, and what every person and organization should be doing to stop it. Hint, it doesn\\u2019t involve firewalls, antivirus software, or any other super special software supposedly designed to stop every attack. Come get the straight dope in what you and your company should be doing to prevent ransomware from getting a foothold into your environment\\u2026from the guy that wrote the book on it.


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