Defense for Healthcare, Scope Security, Balbix, & DevOps Wizardry - ESW #263

Published: March 5, 2022, 10 p.m.


Finally, in the Enterprise Security News, BlueVoyant raises a $250M Series D to become security\\u2019s newest unicorn (baby unicorn, awww), Balbix raises a $70M Series C, Scope Security announces a $20M Series A to specifically focus on monitoring and defense for healthcare, Palo Alto introduces a new product aiming to disrupt the SIEM market, Third Party Risk Management vendors come together to forge the one ring of standards to rule all of cyber (less forge, more rubber stamp though), Signal Science founder, former Etsy CISO, and honorary level 80 DevOps wizard Zane Lackey is now a general partner at Andreesen Horowitz (A16Z), All that and more, on this episode of Enterprise Security Weekly!


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